Hiking around Black Mountain!!

Posted by Black Mountain Birdie | Posted in | Posted on Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Where do you go when you need to escape or to reflect?  Well, I head to the mountains...always have.  When I was young (still am young...kind of), it was Grandfather Mountain...truly like my grandfather, it felt like home and filled me with appreciation for life.  I remember my father taking me there since I was little, camping in the cleft of the mountains (I don't think that is allowed now), a can of sardines and a Baby Ruth bar in our pack (a tradition on our hikes), jumping from rock to rock, hanging my feet off of the cliffs as though I hadn't a care or fear in the world...those carefree days of limitless potential now come a bit less frequent and seem a little more gravity bound...just like my trips to the mountain.  Last weekend I needed a trip, maybe not to that mountain, but to the woods and the creeks...some place to put life in perspective and remind me of who I am and whose I am.  I want my kids to know this simple joy also.  I want them to know that it is often in the woods, away from the TV, the noise, the cell phone (too bad I still had mine with me...and even had service), the trinkets, and all of the things we don't think we can live without, that we are able to truly find ourselves.

So, we went...first to Warren Wilson River Trail...not so private, but really easy and sprinkled with perfect little stops along the way to explore the river and get your feet wet (or possibly swim depending on just how brave you are).  It is a flat path (great for kids or dogs) along the river with several satisfying stops about 1 mile in...however, for the more ambitious hiker there is a 9 mile loop. 
On Sunday, as we were headed down to Looking Glass Falls, we came across a great little swimming hole along the way.  There is no way I could even begin to describe where we went...I don't even know, but that is the wonderful thing about the mountains here in Western North Carolina...fueled by a little spontaneity, open to adventure, and willing to be distracted you will find amazing little side notes to your excursions here.  Sometimes, those side notes surprisingly become the main event if you allow them...and in that you create unique experiences that are truly unexpected and unduplicatable (is that a word?).  It was great fun, refreshing, and just what I needed. 

Comments (4)

Your blog is the gift that keeps on giving for planning our August vacation at the wonderful rental we secured with Greybeard....We were worried about what to do with our dog Charlie but not any more

Thanks Bill! It will be great when you are here full time!

Hi Heidi,

Richard said that you had a blog, very informative for us soon to be black mountaineers. Do you do your own photography? Great shot of the river!

Larry Avery

Thanks Larry. Some shots are mine but many are a great friend and photographer Jennifer Haynes. Her link is on the side. Glad you will soon be a "local."